2015 Listening Test Part 2

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Open the question paper here.

Open the audio here. Go to (16.17) for the start of part 3.

Follow the vocab as you did in part 1.

Part 3

Section 1

Gagner ma vie: To earn my living

Lancer: To launch something

Folle de qqc: To be mad about something

Faire soi-même: Do-it-yourself


Section 2

Sans-Doute: Probably

Conseils: Advice

Trouver: To find

Moteur de recherche: Search engine


Section 3

Le mariage de qqu: The marriage of somebody

Pâques: Easter

Leçon de plongé: Diving lesson


Part 4

Section 1

Réussir: To succeed

Carré: Squared


A deux pas


Section 2

S’habituer: To get used to

Quartier: District

Je me sens: I feel


Section 3

L’une des ville la…. One of the “something” cities

Tâches ménagères: Household chores


Section 4

Déranger: To disturb

Remplir qqc: To fill something

Le frigo: The fridge


Part 5

Section 1

Se Baggarer: To brawl

Devant: In front of

Un pot de confiture: A pot of jam

Des passants: pasers-by


Section 2

Bijouterie: Jewellers

Heureusement: Fortunately

Retenu en otage: Taken hostage


Section 3

Le muse: The museum

Gratuitement: free of charge

Le premier dimanche: The 1st Sunday

Redécouvrir: Rediscover

Avoir à payer:To have to pay



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