Le Passé Composé

This tense is used to describe something that you did. Like, I opened my web browser. Unlike the present tense it’s in 2 parts (linguists call it a compound tense).

You have to remember to ALWAYS WRITE 2 BITS!!!


I am going to show you the passé composé in 4 separate stages.

Stage 1 – Regular Verbs


So, let’s break the passé composé up into its 2 parts.

Part 1 – Avoir Bit or the “helper verb” according to the linguists

You’ve already learned that “I” in French is “Je”, “you” is “tu” etc.


For the passé compose Je, tu,il etc change to avoir


So Je = j’ai                  Tu = Tu as                   Il = Il a   Elle = Elle a              Nous = nous avons


Vous = vous avez        Ils = Ils ont                  Elles = Elles ont


Présent Passé Composé
Je J’ai
Tu Tu as
Il Il a
Elle Elle a
Nous Nous avons
Vous Vous avez
Ils Ils ont
Elles Elles ont

Please Note:


There are a couple of pitfalls to look out for. If I am talking/writing about Mon école, ma soeur or Mes amis I still need an “avoir” bit.


So mon école = mon école a               ma souer = ma souer a            mes amis = mes amis ont


Part 2 – “ed Bit – The Linguists calls this the “past participle”


What I mean by “ed” is the ed we use in English.


Work = worked                       Finish = finished                                 Watch = watched


The “ed” bit for the regular passé composé is dead easy.

ER verbs Take off ER add é
IR verbs Take off IR add i
RE verbs Take off RE add u

So, Manger = to eat                Ate = Mangé                           Finir = To finish  Finished = Fini


Attendre = wait for                 Waited for = Attendu

Now let’s put the 2 together.

I ate = J’ai mangé                                          We finished = Nous avons fini                                


My friends waited = Mes amis ont attendu

Time to go online and do some quizzes for practice.




Stage 2 – Irregular Avoir Verbs


In this stage, the ER = é, IR = I and RE = u become obsolete.

The “ed” bit is completely irregular. Here’s a list of the most common irregular “past participles”. Write them down or just keep returning to cliff when you need to check if a verb is irregular.


After you’ve familiarised yourself with the above list you just combine it with the “avoir” half


So I was = J’ai été             They did = Ils ont fait                My brother saw = Mon frère a vu

Exercise time:





Stage 3 – Etre verbs


This time the 1st part of the passé composé (helper verb) changes from avoir to ETRE.


Présent Passé Composé
Je Je suis
Tu Tu es
Il Il est
Elle Elle est
Nous Nous sommes
Vous Vous êtes
Ils Ils sont
Elles Elles sont

You only use être for a small number of verbs. Here is the list.






Like in English, if you add a “re” to some verbs it means to repeat. (To do – Redo = do again).

Eg Rentrer = to enter again. These verbs use être too.

What is more, 3 of the verbs above are irregular.


Mourir = Mort                         Naître = Né                             Venir = Venu


Finally, for être verbs you have to add an “e” for feminine nouns and an “s” for plurals to the end of the “ed” bit (past participle).

Therefore for stage 3


I went = Je suis allé             We arrived = Nous sommes arrivés        She left = Elle est partie


My Mum died = Ma mère est morte

I know that one’s has a lot to take in but number 4 is easier!

Some practice might help…

Try all the links below to practice your passé compose







Stage 4 – Pronominals


Verbs like s’amuser, s’habiller, se rendre compte behave like être verbs



1) I is je suis, you is tu es etc.

2) they agree in number and gender (i.e. add “e” and “s”)


Most of these verbs are ER verbs though, so that’s at least some consolation!

So I enjoyed myself = Je me suis amusé


My friends noticed = Mes amis se sont rendus compte


My Dad dressed himself = Mon père s’est habillé


Now for some practice


Read Tex’s explanation and do his exercises


Here’s more




One More Thing:


The Passé Composé actually has 2 meanings


1) I did something = J’ai fait quelque chose


2) I have done something = J’ai fait quelque chose


Confusing right but then again that’s grammar for you!


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